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Sample Content Post for Testing Gutenberg Short · GitHub

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Sample Content Post for Testing Gutenberg Short

<!– wp:paragraph {"align":"center","backgroundColor":"cyan-bluish-gray","textColor":"foreground","className":"has-very-light-gray-background-color"} –>
<p class="has-text-align-center has-very-light-gray-background-color has-foreground-color has-cyan-bluish-gray-background-color has-text-color has-background">Gutenberg Sample Content.<br>Put together with ❤️ by <a href="">Bowriver Studio</a></p>
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<!– wp:heading {"level":1} –>
<h1>This is a heading (H1)</h1>
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<h2>This is a heading (H2)</h2>
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<!– wp:heading {"level":3} –>
<h3>This is a heading (H3)</h3>
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<!– wp:heading {"level":4} –>
<h4>This is a heading (H4)</h4>
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<!– wp:separator {"opacity":"css"} –>
<hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity"/>
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<!– wp:heading {"textAlign":"center"} –>
<h2 class="has-text-align-center">Paragraph Block</h2>
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<!– wp:paragraph –>
<p>This is a <strong>regular</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} –>
<p class="has-text-align-center">This is a <strong>center aligned</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"align":"right"} –>
<p class="has-text-align-right">This is a <strong>right aligned</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"align":"left"} –>
<p class="has-text-align-left">This is a paragraph block with a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">link</a>. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"dropCap":true} –>
<p class="has-drop-cap">This is a paragraph block with a <strong>drop cap</strong>. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"small"} –>
<p class="has-small-font-size">This is a <strong>small</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"regular"} –>
<p class="has-regular-font-size">This is a <strong>medium</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"large"} –>
<p class="has-large-font-size">This is a <strong>large</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"larger"} –>
<p class="has-larger-font-size">This is an <strong>extra large</strong> paragraph block. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies.<br></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
<!– wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#ffffff","background":"#709372"}}} –>
<p class="has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#709372;color:#ffffff">This is a paragraph block with a <strong>background</strong>. Professionally productize highly efficient results with world-class core competencies. Objectively matrix leveraged architectures vis-a-vis error-free applications. Completely maximize customized portals via fully researched metrics. Enthusiastically generate premier action items through web-enabled e-markets. Efficiently parallel task holistic intellectual capital and client-centric markets.<br></p>
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<hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity"/>
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<!– wp:heading {"textAlign":"center"} –>
<h2 class="has-text-align-center">Image Block</h2>
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<!– wp:heading {"level":3} –>
<h3>Standard width</h3>
<!– /wp:heading –>
<!– wp:image {"sizeSlug":"large"} –>
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src=";ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&amp;auto=format&amp;fit=crop&amp;w=774&amp;q=80" alt=""/><figcaption>Name is: <a href="">Curug 3 Leuwi 4, Cimahi, Indonesia</a></figcaption></figure>
<!– /wp:image –>
<!– wp:heading {"level":3} –>
<h3>Wide width</h3>
<!– /wp:heading –>
<!– wp:image {"align":"wide","sizeSlug":"large"} –>
<figure class="wp-block-image alignwide size-large"><img src=";ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&amp;auto=format&amp;fit=crop&amp;w=2662&amp;q=80" alt=""/><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
<!– /wp:image –>
<!– wp:heading {"level":3} –>
<h3>Full width</h3>
<!– /wp:heading –>
<!– wp:image {"align":"full","sizeSlug":"large"} –>
<figure class="wp-block-image alignfull size-large"><img src=";ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&amp;auto=format&amp;fit=crop&amp;w=1674&amp;q=80" alt=""/><figcaption><br></figcaption></figure>
<!– /wp:image –>

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